Loewe Puzzle Handbags Crossbody & Shoulder Bags Splicing Calfskin Cowhide qwtp66003
$113.00 $169.00
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The new cool Puzzle has been introduced and is always fun. The classic colors alone are not enough! The irregular line splicing design adds a cool feeling. It can be carried by hand, cross-body, or carried on the back. You can also fold the bag into a geometric shape and hold it casually in your hands, exuding a French lazy temperament. It is simply a “carryable bag” Polished board “Spanish calfskin size: 36.5*23*19cm with complete packaging (box, ribbon, gift card, shopping bag) qwtp66003 splicing style
Brands: Loewe, Loewe Puzzle
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Very good quality fake bags, serious seller. The shipment arrived fast. Well ahead of schedule. Thank you.
I recommend the replica bags, of excellent quality. Delivery is fast too. Thank you!
Very fast shipping, quality price very well. The fake bags is as in the description, let’s go. I recommend
Great replica loewe bags, all as pictured))))) good quality
This is third fake bags i odered this is very good looking product highly recommended
Very good loewe bags, quality comfortable